About our Minister
Reverend Charles Foley has been an active member Unity Church of Christianity in Valley Stream since 1994. Charles is a firm believer in living a life of prayer, meditation, and life-long study to reveal the Spirit of Truth within as taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ. As we are lifted up individually and collectively, we will lift everyone with us. It is our mission that we may come into a greater awareness and experience of our oneness with God and each other. Charles is always encouraging our church family to take our understanding of Truth deeper and to minister with unconditional love for all. “A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you also must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciple, if you love one another.” Charles believes that our true nature is love and actively shares this message each Sunday. For love is not exclusive to anyone, but inclusive of everyone.
It was shortly after September 11th that Charles had a life changing wake-up call from the Holy Spirit which led to his calling to ministry. His life has never been the same, filled with many “ahaa” moments, blessings, and life affirming events. Charles also loves to share his favorite “Dad Jokes” knowing a cheerful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22). A native of Long Island, Charles has had a long successful career in the financial service industry. Charles, his wife Sarah, and two grown children have lived in the nearby Lynbrook, Malverne, Lakeview community since 1994.
Board of Directors

Gloria Miller
Elaine Rauch
Linda Urquhart