Lay Ministries

THE BEST WAY TO FIND YOURSELF IS TO LOSE YOURSELF IN THE SERVICE OF OTHERS. Through love let us serve one another. Here are some opportunities to serve in our church family.


Book Room

The Book Room provides a welcoming environment where congregants can find materials that support the universal principles as taught by Unity School of Christianity, Missouri, and demonstrated by Jesus Christ. Selected materials for church sponsored classes and events as well as individual requests can be ordered as needed.  The Book Room also serves as an Information Center.


Community Relations

The Community Relations Ministry strives to make Unity Church Of Christianity an integral part of the Valley Stream Community.  Currently we serve on the Board of Directors for Monica Housing.
Food and clothing are collected and delivered once a month to the Mary Brennan INN.


Daily Word

Unity Church of Christianity, Missouri, publishes booklets entitled the Daily Word which offers messages of hope and empowerment.   The reading of the Daily Word each day brings to our attention how important it is to start each day with a spiritual practice.  It is important to acknowledge the presence and power of God within us.

The reading of the Daily Word is a part of the Sunday services.  Members of Unity including our youths readily volunteer to read.


Fellowship Teams

The Mission of the Fellowship Teams is to welcome and provide hospitality during our time of fellowship immediately after service.  Food and refreshments are served in the Activity Center.  Visitors are welcomed and encouraged to interact with members in a comfortable atmosphere of love and care.



The Multimedia team is responsible for recording Sunday services and uploading them to our YouTube channel.  They maintain our social media platforms and upload our podcast to our Facebook page.  In addition they  update and oversee the church’s website and the electronic signage within the church.


Outreach and Member Support

The Outreach and Member Support Lay Ministry warmly welcomes all to the service, reaches out to members who have not been seen for some time, supports new members of our Unity Family and encourages all to be of service to our church.


Prayer Chaplains

Prayer Chaplains are trained as lay resources to help meet the pastoral care needs in our community, in addition to spiritual platforming along with the minister at Sunday services..


Unity Spirit Choir

The Mission the Unity Spirit Choir is to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.  Through song, they will touch the hearts and souls of all who hear them.

The choir meets every Monday in the Activity Center from 6:30 – 8:00 PM and participates in the 11:00 AM Worship Service every third Sunday.  All are welcome to share their time and talent, no formal training is required.



The Ushers welcome all who enter the church, assist with seating and help to sustain the spirit of worship throughout the service.

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